So the stomach is still playing me up, despite being on so many tablets I rattle. I am taking between 9 and 14 tablets a day, depending on how good or bad I feel, but don't seem to be getting any better. My wife has decided that enough is enough and I will be going back to the doctors next week. Deep joy.
On a brighter note, at least I am getting some painting done again. I have finished the Flak 88's with American crews and the P-47 is nearly done too. Pictures tomorrow or Monday, depending how I feel and what I have to do tomorrow. I have also started another unit of Napoleonic Dutch. More blue coats with blacks shakos, but needs must. I do need to get my 25mm Wars of the Roses project finished as we are playing it at the December meet of the Devon club. So far I have two units finished, with another 75% done. The fourth unit is still on the sprues though, so I need to get cracking.
One thing I have rarely mentioned on here is my online gaming. I dabble with several free online games, my preference being World of Tanks. I also play Combat Arms occasionally and am on the beta test group of World of Warplanes, which is nice. World of Tanks is fun though, there are 3 or 4 of us who get online together on Friday evenings for about an hour and a half. we primarily play the lower level tanks as they are the most fun. MS-1, BT-2 and the like, with little or no artillery and no surprise when your green-painted lawnmower gets blown up. I have played with tanks up to level 6, but am sticking with level 4 or less now, as the "paying customers" don't bother buying special stuff for level 1 or 2 tanks. If you have never tried it then give it a go. It's free, unless you want to spend money on it. I am Gra55hopper, so watch out for me if you do play. World of Warplanes is also fun, but I tend to get shot down a lot. My PC struggles a bit too, so new motherboard and processor is the plan for the new year.
Got to finish watching Prometheus, which seems ok. Definitely a prequel to aliens, but nice effects and all that. Not as much fun as Carter of Mars though. I liked the books many years ago and don't think the film is too bad, especially considering its a Disney creation.
Off now for some tea before playing Tanks with Panjo and Nathan later. Catch you next time.
Campaign of Nations from Hollandspiele on Vassal.
Ok, so it's been a while since Steve M and I have got together over our
laptops for a Vassal set-to, but with the start of a new year we picked up
where ...
8 hours ago
These tablets seem to be a real nuisance eh? Chin up and all that mate.
ReplyDeleteThought Prometheus was a good enough film, but I don't count it as part of the Alien set (I only acknowledge the first three films as genuine!). You seen Iron Sky yet? Think that's right up your street.
I think I'll give the games a shot (but I struggle with even the easiest of games).