The table was fairly congested with scenery, no buildings to hide in though and not much hard cover. The Russians came on from under my arm, with the British from the other side controlled by Nathan.
The right flank squad deployed forwards to try and consolidate on the central field
Then the dastardly imperialist dogs arrived, taking up position in the tree line and going onto overwatch.
Then there were more, with all the British infantry coming on, evenly spread across the table. Nathan kept his speedy little Scorpion off table though.
Stupidly I moved the BMP out of hiding and fired at the British. Yes, I killed a man, but left myself open to a shot from a Carl Gustav rocket launcher. Hopefully he will miss as I am hull down.
Unfortunately Nathan is a jammy git and rolled 11 to hit, then 6 hits out of 8 dice! Can you say KABOOM! BMP 401 can.
Things went better on the other side. My tactic had been to close range and rely on my superior rate of fire to win, so that's what I did. The right squad, supported by the command squad and CO, opened fire on Nathan's squad. Six Ak47s and an RPK LMG make a lot of dice and Nathan's squad legged it. Well, half of them did, leaving behind their corporal. Hehehe
There they go, running like the lily-livered capitalist dogs they are. I am not sure about the fire rate for Assault Rifles, 3 dice seems a lot when the majority of the platoon has them. I fired with 24 dice, admittedly I needed 2 goes to drive off Nathan's squad but I lost no men doing it.
The sneaky git rallied them with his platoon sergeant, who pointed out that their armoured support had arrived and "they should pull themselves together".
The Brits got a double move too and Nathan sent his Scorpion racing ahead at breakneck speed, hoping to clear the open road and get past the Russians. Sadly he didn't quite make it. An RPG-7 blasted out of the field and slammed into the side of the Scorpion. Amazingly it survived, although the commander was injured and shocked.
Another RPG came out and proved to be too much for the Scorpion, which exploded spectacularly.
Sadly the Russians had been gradually whittled down by the sustained fire of the 2 British squads. They managed to all but wipe out the command squad, leaving just the CO and sergeant, who decided that discretion was the better part of valour. Of course, the report they filed included Chieftain tanks and a full company of British paras, but that's another story.
All in all it played well. We both enjoyed it and it did it's job as a first playtest by showing that I needed to change a few things. The armour ratings of vehicles have gone up a bit, which means that light armour is still very fragile, but it might survive if hit. Also, I am going to try making assault rifles 2 dice instead of 3 within 18". I still gives the russians a firepower advantage at close range, but not 3 to 1. I am also playing about with a support list, so that should be up soon. All in all it was a succesful game and we will do another one soon.
I have spent today sorting out Gus' 6mm Napoleonics to put on eBay over the weekend. There are thousands of the little buggers, over 3800 infantry figures! Sadly 99.9% are unpainted as it was Gus' retirement plan to paint them all. Anyway, off now to do something less productive. Keep rolling those dice folks, you'll get a 6 eventually.
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