Last week was the annual Exeter wargames show, Legionary 2015. Excellently hosted by the Exmouth Imperials wargames club as usual, it proved to be a cracking show and I spent way more than I planned too. There is a nice set of pictures on the Wargames, Soldiers and Strategy website, so pop along and have a look at much nicer pictures than the ones I take.
Another large Medieval game, was also there. War of the Roses I think. It looked very nice and the scenario included a very large flank march by one of the forces, but there was only a small bridge for them to cross.
There was a beutiful 28mm ACW game that looked excellent with lovely figures and cracking terrain.
Another 28mm game was played using Under the Lily Banner I believe. Plenty of colourful troops contested a sizeable battlefield.
Something different now, 1/600th ironclads from the Russo-Japan war. The models were beautiful and it looked really good. A fair few pounds had been spent on those ships.
One game that I was interested in, but never got a chance to try, was Star Wars Armada. It is nice to finally be able to command a Star Destroyer on the table, but I am loath to fork out £80 for 3 ships without first trying the game. It does look good and I have heard and read some good reviews of it, but the price for the ships may be a killer blow at the moment. Plus the Imperial Star Destroyer isn't out yet!
All in all it was a good day out. I managed to last until after 4pm, which was good but I did pay for it over the next couple of days. I bought a couple more 4ground buildings, 2 technicals in 28mm(WHY?), some bits and pieces for my 1940's forces from Peter Pig(nice to see them back), some 15mm Landmark buildings(too good a price to miss) and several books on the bring and buy. I meet some old friends that I haven't seen for a while and meet some new friends as well.
That's it for now. There will be another update tomorrow with my painting efforts and yesterdays Devon Wargames meeting. Keep rolling those dice folks, they can't all come up on a 1........can they?
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